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Improving Biodiversity in our Town Parks


The Town Council and the RWB Environment Trust are working together to improve biodiversity and help reduce the impacts of climate change. We are increasing the number of trees in the town's parks and creating areas that will provide food and shelter for bees, butterflies, birds and other small creatures.

To protect newly planted trees, we are changing the grass cutting programme. You will notice the trees will be situated within scalloped areas of longer grass, which is aesthetically pleasing as well as affording some physical protection and moisture retention.


Over the last two years, significant areas of longer grass and wildflowers have been left around the edges of the Jacqui Woolford Park, mowing these areas only twice a year. The impact of these areas has proved popular with residents and similar areas are now being introduced into each of our parks.

The plans below shows the tree planting and areas being left for longer grass and wildflowers. Trees shown as a black cross in a white circle are yet to be planted but are part of the ‘Gift A Tree’
scheme which invites people and businesses to donate a tree to one of our six parks. If you would like to sponsor one of these trees, please call 01793 850222, pick up an application form from the council office at 117 High Street or email


Below are plans for each of the parks. 

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